


I'm a graphic designer, artist, web developer and mediator.
I live and work in Strasbourg.
My practice includes posters, book design, writing, web and installation.
I mainly use free licenses and free softwares since 2018.
I'm currently specializing in digital accessibility, more specifically in the creation of accessible websites and digital documents.

Attached to collaboration, I work on different projects or responds to commissions in cooperation notably with the Accessnaute – New window team, which is developing a digital accessibility project, and with the Sonya – New window association, which is a listening space dedicated to audio storytelling and a sound design studio based in Strasbourg.
In the past, I have worked with the graphic and interactive design collective Figures Libres – New window and occasionally within the Plus Plus Égal – New window collective founded in 2014 with Camille Trimardeau – New window.

As part of my commissioned work, I co-directed the visual identities of La Ferme du Haut Mont, the Libre-Échange exhibition, the internal communication of ESADHaR and the Libre Software Meeting 2018. I have also designed various websites for structures such as the Sonya association, the associative hackerspace Hackstub or the graphic design studio Horstaxe, and co-designed the platforms En français au pluriel for the researcher in linguistics Myriam Suchet and Périple 2021 for the juggling collective Collectif Protocole.

As part of my research work, I'm interested in the means we have today to “travel” in images. I conceive these visual experiences as tools, which take the form of both printed media and digital devices. I wrote a master thesis on this subject, followed by a DNSEP diploma in graphic design & interactive medias at ESADHaR in Le Havre, which I obtained in 2016. My main objects of study and creation today are cyberfeminisms, with writing and programming as favourite modes of exploration and expression. Apart from the Cyberhuts project, writings and productions in this regard appear on my blog.
Originally from the fixed image world, my self-taught training in the web has modified my relationship to the medium and has shifted the stakes of my research: I now defend a more performative approach to creation and manipulate more text and code materials.

I have exhibited my work :
at the Glassbox in Paris as part of a reactivation of Edition 1 of 149 with the artwork Une matière du présent, redesigned with the artist Pierre Frulloni in October 2019 ;
at the Consigne SNCF of Le Havre as part of Une Saison graphique with an in situ installation in May 2019 ;
at the Galerie Duchamp in Yvetot as part of the group exhibition Background with pieces from the Cascades series in May 2017;
at ENSA Normandie as part of the group exhibition Prenez soin de nous with pieces from the Cascades series in November 2016.

I also started writing, producing the texts Le Tutoriel and Quelle place pour l'image de design graphique ? for the event Super Image at Centre Européen d'Actions Artistiques Contemporaines (CEAAC) in Strasbourg in 2019 and 2017. More recently, I have undertaken the writing of a series of texts listed under the title Body Recoding : de l'injonction au réenchantement des corps sexisés. Corps, Style, Mouvement – New window, with the subject of the body and its transformation as a vector of power, based on the anime Sailor Moon and cyberfeminist references. It is accessible from a Nextcloud instance, and versioned and imported on Gitlab in order to allow its amendment and access at different states of writing.

Invested in the Hackstub – New window, a Strasbourg hackerspace that raises awareness of the local public to the Libre culture and computer science, I have participated in the development of different formats in the popular education program of the association (see Hackstub services). More recently, I joined the cyberfeminist group Hacqueen – New window and contribute to the animation of the collective. I count among my interventions the participation in local and national discussions on digital accessibility, cyberfeminisms, data, ecology or digital culture (Le Shadok, Human Tech Days 2023, Musica festival) and on libre graphics softwares (Le Shadok, Libre Graphics Meeting 2020, Format(s) 2023 festival). I also co-facilitated workshops in the fields of graphic design and computer science such as Cyberhuts (HTML and CSS initiation with Ada Lanerd), Dazzle (anti-surveillance make-up with Daria) or Libérons-nous du pistage (regain control over one's data and adopt alternative digital solutions with Alsace Réseau Neutre).

Outside of the associative context, I also carried out mediation with graphic design students from the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul high school and the ESADHaR in Le Havre. It is possible to find the formats proposed in animation that are part of collective creation on the Hackstub interventions – New window page, and those resulting from a personal production in a directory of courses – New window online via Nextcloud