Marjorie Ober
Graphic designer, artist, web developer and mediator
Siret: 823 583 000 000 34
Born in 1991 in Haguenau (FR)
Based in Strasbourg
at marjorieober dot com – New window
Freelance work
Accessnaute – New window: visual identity and showcase website for the digital accessibility project, 2024.
Hackstub: posters for the Cyberfeminisms Day on 9 December 2023.
Network & Magic: graphic contribution to the role-playing game (generic visual, name tags and cards for the roles, postcards, stamps…), 2022.
Sonya – New window: visual identity (logotype, animation) and showcase website of the listening space dedicated to audio fiction, in collaboration with Audrey Meyer, 2021.
Marine Froeliger: Plage blanche – New window, a web plateform where to occupy the space-time of one minute with the medium of sound, 2021.
Marion Caron – New window: personnal website of the graphic designer, 2021.
Hackstub – New window: Strasbourg associative hackerspace website, 2020.
Le 149: narrative website Une matière du Présent on the 149 website – New window, collaboration with Pierre Frulloni, as part of Edition 1 of 149 – New window, 2018.
Horstaxe studio: website, article, invitation card for the event Super Image #2, 2017.
with Nicolas Chesnais
Myriam Suchet: En françaiS au pluriel – New window research tool for the linguistics researcher, with Figures Libres, 2022.
La Ferme du Haut Mont – New window: visual identity (logo, flyer, sign, visuals for social networks) and website, 2022.
Collectif Protocole: web plateform for Périple 2021 – New window, an itinerant juggling performance, with Figures Libres, 2021.
Libre-échange exhibition: visual identity (posters, magazine page, flyer, visual for social networks, panel), 2020.
Gringo's Taqueria: visual identity (logo, business card, website, menu, signage), 2019.
Libre Software Meeting (LSM) 18: visual identity (websites, posters, program, signage, goodies), 2018.
Plus Plus Égal
withÉcole Supérieure d'Art et Design Le Havre-Rouen (ESADHaR): visual identity (poster templates, invitation cards, kakemonos, visual on tote bag, stylus, greetings card), 2018.
Coralie Diatkine: visual identity for TR~S and SIsMo, sound design (logos, report, greetings card, various documents), 2017.
Vanina Pinter : website and blog Regarder par la fenêtre – New window, collaboration with Kevin Tessier, 2017.
Exhibition and mediation of Une matière du Présent v.2 as part of a reactivation of Edition 1 of 149 on the Glassbox website – New window, Glassbox, Paris, from 11 to 13 October 2019.
Personal exhibition at the SNCF Consigne of Le Havre, as part of Une Saison Graphique (USG) 19 on the website dedicated to Marjorie Ober's exhibition – New window, from May 10 to June 15, 2019.
Cascades, Background on the Duchamp gallery website – New window (non accessible PDF, 1.7 Mo), collective exhibition in partnership with RN13 Bis, Duchamp Gallery, Yvetot, from May 10 to June 30, 2017. Exhibition curator: Séverine Duhamel, Mathieu Roquet.
Cascades, Prenez soin de nous on the ESADHaR website – New window (non accessible PDF, 2.92 Mo), exhibition of the DNSEP of the ESADHaR, ENSA Normandie, Rouen, from 10 November to 3 December 2016. Exhibition curator: Marie Cantos.
Plus Plus Égal
withScience Frictioncatalogue*, as part of the exhibition Vision : Recherche en art et en design, proposed by AndÉA, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, from 13 to 18 April 2016.
*Exhibition catalogue of Science Friction by Frédéric Tacer at ESADHaR Gallery 65, as part of the Saison graphique 15. Collaboration with Anouk Berthelot.
Super Image #5: Le tutoriel (Nextcloud directory) – New window, text and drawings, exhibition catalogue, November 2019.
Une Saison Graphique (USG) 19: Impressions du Havre, text and images, USG 19 newspaper, May 2019.
Super Image #2: Quelle place pour l'image de design graphique ? on E D G A R's website – New window, text and images, published on Exposer le Design Graphique, Actes et Recherche (E website, May 2017. D G A R)
Plus Plus Égal
withÉtapes : 234, Écoles & diplômes: Archéologie du web by Caroline Bouige, November 2016.
Exposer le Design Graphique, Actes et Recherche (E: Anticipation by Vanina Pinter, May 2015. D G A R)
Flash'conf Pour un design libre et soutenable: de la nécessité de comprendre l'outil as part of the Format(s) graphic design festival, Garage Coop, Strasbourg, October 8, 2023.
Guarding and mediation of the exhibition Dialogue de Dessins 13 (Nygel Panasco + Dominique Goblet) of the illustration festival Central Vapeur, La Menuiserie (COOP), Strasbourg, March 30th-April 2nd 2023.
Presentation and listening session around Plage blanche with Marine Froeliger, Ergastule association, Nancy, November 25, 2022.
Guarding and mediation of the Format(s) graphic design festival poster exhibition, La Menuiserie (COOP), Strasbourg, October 19-23, 2022.
Moderation of the librist round table Le numérique alternatif en Alsace at the Forge Numérique, Strasbourg, 15 December 2021.
Focus on ecology and digital culture, participation in a round table as part of Musica festival, at the invitation of Arts vivants, arts durables (ARVIVA), Cité de la Musique et de la Danse, Strasbourg, September 17, 2021.
Remote presentation of the visual identity of the LSM 18 at the LGM 20 with Nicolas Chesnais, Strasbourg, May 28, 2020.
Mediation around the USG 19 event with Mise À Niveau en Arts Appliqués (MANAA) 1 students from the the St-Vincent group, Le Havre, January and May 2019.
Meeting with DNAP Graphic Design students, “What about after school?”, ESADHaR, Le Havre, January 2019.
with Hacqueen
Masterclass Réappropriations féministes des technologies as part of Numérique en commun, sPalais de la Bourse, Bordeaux (remote), Octobre 19, 2023.
Cyberfeminisms editorialathon and round table as part of the Re / Dé } Connecte festival – hybrid arts and digital cultures in the Centre-Val de Loire region – Human Tech Days, with Cécile F. Dabo, La Labomédia, Orléans, June 20, 2023.
Cyberhuts, animation of an HTML/CSS initiation workshop in chosen mixity (without cisgender men), GEM Aube, Strasbourg, November 13, 2021.
Co-animation of a Dazzle workshop (anti-surveillance makeup) in chosen mixity (without cisgender men) with Daria as part of Pride off, Marsha P. Johnson Library, Strasbourg, June 27, 2021.
Hackstub and Alsace Réseau Neutre
withParity and Digital talk with Pascale Camus-Walter, Inès Eck, Léa Faust and Pauline Mélédo (Latitudes), Le Shadok, Strasbourg, April 4, 2024.
Hack Ver Alli: Cyberfeminisms Day, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, December 9, 2023.
Digital accessibility-oriented computing permanencies, Hackstub, Alsace Réseau Neutre and C'Cité partnership, Espace Culture et Loisirs of C'Cité, Strasbourg, September 9 and November 18, 2023., March 11 and May 13, 2023.
Café Halte à l'Obsolescence et au Pistage (HOP!) accessibility-oriented, co-animated with Gabjy and Scapharnaum, Espace Culture et Loisirs (ECL) of C'Cité, Strasbourg, October 21, 2023.
Escape game on Digital accessibility co-animated with Irina Lambla for Hackstub, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, June 14 and 24, 2023.
Escape game on Digital accessibility and Dazzle workshop co-animated with Irina Lambla as part of Noces d'Étain (celebration of 10 years of hacking for Hackstub, Alsace Réseau Neutre and YunoHost), La Semencerie, Strasbourg, June 2 and 3, 2023.
Network & Magic and Dazzle workshops for the Réseau Animation Jeunesse (RAJ) team of Saverne, co-animated with Ada Lanerd, May 26, 2023.
Digital accessibility-oriented computing permanencies, Hackstub, Alsace Réseau Neutre and C'Cité partnership, Espace Culture et Loisirs of C'Cité, Strasbourg, January 14, March 11 and May 13, 2023.
Hack ver Alli: Technopolice 2023, participation in the preparation of the format with La Quadrature du Net, Mathieu Rigouste and Ada Lanerd, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, March 3, 2023.
Digital self-defense, workshop with Irina Lambla, Ada Lanerd, Djan and Gaut, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, November 19, 2022.
Network & Magic: a role-playing game to understand the basics of how the Internet works, co-animation as Game Master (GM) with Ada Lanerd, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, November 5, 2022
Moderation of the Hack ver Alli: Education under surveillance, discussion circle with Ljf, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, October 21, 2022.
Co-animation of Dazzle workshops (anti-surveillance make-up) for kids with Ada Lanerd and Tanguy Chêne at MAC VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, July 19-22, 2022.
Network & Magic, a role-playing game to understand the basics of how the Internet works, co-animation with Ada Lanerd, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, 21 May 2022.
Digital accessibility workshop, co-organised with Irina Lambla and Valentin Grimaud, Médiathèque Neudorf, Strasbourg, April 30, 2022.
Hack ver Alli : Lanceur·euse·s d’alerte, de l’alarme à la protection des personnes, screening of the film Hacking Justice on Julian Assange's struggle and informal discussion, co-organised with Alternatiba, GEM Aube, Strasbourg, April 22, 2022.
Co-animation of a Dazzle workshop (anti-surveillance make-up) with Ada Lanerd, Daria and Tanguy Chêne, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, April 2, 2022.
Hack ver Alli : Health Data Hub, quelles utilisations et circulations de nos données de santé ?, exchange with a doctor from the CHU of Strasbourg, format prepared with Ada Lanerd, Daria and Harmonie, Foyer de l'Étudiant Catholique, Strasbourg, March 25, 2022.
Libérons-nous du pistage, co-animation of a workshop aiming to regain control over our data and adopt free digital solutions, as part of the Rentrée Furieuse, La Semencerie, Strasbourg, November 7, 2021.
Hack ver Alli: Technopolice, cities and Lives under surveillance, projection of the film Les Yeux carrés (Squared Eyes) by Louison Assié and Laure Massiet du Biest (2020), which highlights the expansion of videosurveillance in Marseille, followed by a discussion with RAP Strasbourg. Format preparde with Daria, Gyom and Lou, GEM Aube, Strasbourg, November 5, 2021.
Digital Accessibility: Report and perspectives from the point of view of visually impaired and concerned people, co-animation of the discussion with Irina Lambla, Le Shadok, Strasbourg, October 23, 2021.
Libérons-nous du pistage, co-animation of a workshop aiming to regain control over our data and adopt free digital solutions, as part of the Semaine Européenne du Numérique Responsable (SENR), GEM Aube, Strasbourg, June 12, 2021.
The true history of data, discussion co-animated with Ada Lanerd, as an introduction to the piece Superposition by Rioji Ikeda, Le Maillon, Strasbourg, September 26, 2020.
Hack ver Alli: Computer graphics and free software, co-presentation with Éric Monlon, Shadok, Strasbourg, December 12, 2019.
Cybercabanes, co-animation of an HTML/CSS initiation workshop in chosen mixity (without cisgender men) with Ada Lanerd, as part of the LaDIY*fest #2, Maison des Potes, Strasbourg, September 1, 2019
Libre Software Meeting (LSM) 2018: Digital education, fabric of captivity or new emancipation?, visual identity and signage with Nicolas Chesnais, service and dismantling, carried by Hackstub (organizing team: Harmonie, Ada, Tsanta, Aleks…), University of Strasbourg (Central Campus), July 7-12, 2018.
Collectives, associations
a11y-libre on Framalistes – New window: discussion list used for the promotion of digital accessibility in FLOSS and for the organisation of events on this subject (Contribateliers, awareness…).
a11y-alsace on Framalistes – New window: discussion list used for the exchange between local actors around digital accessibility in Alsace (events, employment, struggle…).
Sonya association – New window: listening space dedicated to audio storytelling and independent sound creation and production studio based in Strasbourg.
Hacqueen collective – New window: material, technological and social emancipation in chosen mixity (without cisgender men) in a cyberfeminist perspective (self-training workshops, sharing of resources and know-how, etc.).
Hackstub association – New window (Strasbourg hackerspace): awareness of the local public to FLOSS culture and computing and work of popular education in a critical and emancipating perspective of technologies (workshops, conferences, screenings, etc.).
Plus Plus Égal collective: co-founder with Camille Trimardeau. Graphic design, book design, web, installation.
“Developing and coding accessible websites”: a 21-hour online training course provided by Access42 from 4 to 6 July 2022
“Making the documents you create accessible”: a 2-hour online training course given by Rodrigue Galani (Dnum, University of Strasbourg) on 2 June 2022 as part of the Semaine Européenne du Numérique Responsable (SENR).
DNSEP Graphic design & interactive medias, Voyages du regard dans l’image, ESADHaR, Le Havre, 2016-2014.
DNAP Graphic design & interactive medias, Regards croisés, une rencontre entre graphisme et lumière, ESADHaR, Le Havre, 2014-2012.
BTS in Visual Communication with a major in Graphic Design, Book design, Advertising, Lycée de l'Image et du Son of Angoulême (LISA), 2012-2010.
MANAA, Lycée Le Corbusier, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, 2010-2009.
BAC L with art option, LEGT R. Schuman, Haguenau, 2009-2006.
Inkscape, Gimp, Scribus, Penpot, Natron, Blender, ImageMagick, OpenShot Video Editor, Audacity, LibreOffice (Writer and Calc)
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Flash, After Effects
HTML5, CSS3, JS, Jquery, GRAV CMS, notions of PHP and Python
French (very good level: reading, writing, speaking)
English (good level: reading, writing, speaking)
German (fairly good level: reading, writing, speaking)
Techniques, Other
Mastering graphic and book design process/chain
Initiated to screen printing, laser cutting and 3D printing
Micro-publishing (hand finishing and binding)
Audio and video editing
Front-end web development
Basic knowledge of Git, command line and remote server administration
Trained in digital accessibility (audit and accessibility of digital documents and websites)
FLOSS environments set up
Driving license (cat. B) and youth work qualification (BAFA)
Other experiences (seasonal)
Camille Hirtz school, school monitor, Cronenbourg, 2020-2019 (4 months).
Vocal performance for Sound Is More (SIsMo) as part of the Houssen Pocket Square Galimmo shopping mall project in Colmar, proposing the diffusion of Christmas tales, Strasbourg, 2018.
EHPAD, Hospital Services Agent in the Alzeimer service, Woerth (5 months).
Match Supermarkets, order picker, Schweighouse-sur-Moder, summer 2009 (5 weeks).
Réseau Animation Intercommunal (RAI), youth worker in summer camps, Niederbronn-les-Bains, summers 2008-2006.
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