Marjorie Ober
graphic designer, artist, web developer and mediator
Welcome to the portal of my different web existences!
I live and work in Strasbourg. I favour programming and writing feminist, libre and accessible perspective. You can find the whole of my work on my website and my blog.
as modes of expression and I strive to inscribe my practice in aI work in cooperation with among others:
- Limites Numériques – New window team, a research group that defends a digital approach within planetary limits ; the
- Accessnaute – New window on digital accessibility projects ; the members of
- Sonya – New window, a listening space dedicated to audio storytelling and a sound design studio based in Strasbourg. the association
I am a member of the associative hackerspace Hackstub – New window and the cyberfeminist collective Hacqueen – New window.
I'm also into Hoop dance – Dedicated pad in a new window.
You can ask me for a graphic creation, the design of a website or its accessibility (audit and corrections), the writing of a text, or the animation of a workshop or a training in the fields of graphic design and computer science.
I facilitate various formats that involve collective creation (see Hackstub interventions – New window) or personal creation (see courses – New window on my Nextcloud instance).
Feel free to contact me to work together or just to chat, I love meeting new people
Contact: hello at marjorieober dot com
Latest Projects
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Visual identity, graphic design and development of the showcase website for Accessnaute, a digital accessibility project.
The aim of the project is to set up a platfo…
Cyberfeminisms Day
Triptych of posters for the Cyberfeminisms day on 9 December 2023 from 9.30am to 6pm at the Shadok in Strasbourg.
Organised by Hackstub, this key moment was devoted to…
En françaiS au pluriel
Graphic design of the research tool En françaiS au pluriel by linguistics researcher Myriam Suchet, which questions the immutability of (living) languages, in particular French.
Latest texts
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« Body recoding : de l’injonction au réenchantement des corps sexisés. Corps, Style, Mouvement », texte et images, mars 2021 (répertoire Nextcloud)
Répertoire accessible en ligne
« Le tutoriel », texte et dessins, octobre 2019 (répertoire Nextcloud)
Paru dans le catalogue de l'exposition Super Image #5 en novembre 2019
« Impressions du Havre », texte et images, février 2019
Paru dans le journal d'USG 19 en mai 2019
Latest blog posts
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CSS Dazzle Faces
“Revell'East”: another warmup to recuperation
Pourquoi faut-il activer la recherche et la pratique de l'écriture inclusive et emmerder les administrations ?
Latest events
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Parity and Digital
Participation for Hackstub in the discussion proposed by Pascale Camus-Walter, with Inès Eck (freelance web developer and trainer), and Léa Faust and Pauline Mélédo for the Latitudes association, which advocates more committed and responsible technology, 6-8.30pm, Le Shadok, Strasbourg.
Hack Ver Alli: Cyberfeminisms Day
Discussions and workshops confronting gender issues in technology with emancipation strategies implemented in physical spaces and cyberspaces, 9.30am-6pm, Le Shadok, Strasbourg.
Digital accessibility-oriented computing permanencies
Technical mutual aid format resulting from an associative partnership between Hackstub, Alsace Réseau Neutre and C'Cité partnership, Espace Culture et Loisirs of C'Cité in Strasbourg, on September 9 and November 18, 2023.
Follow me on Gitlab – New window!